Monday, March 16, 2009

BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 1:

Let's start it off easy. Hi! How're things? Remember me? Remember when we were blog friends? What's new whichu? For your first day of Blufporbfofoing, tell me the three biggest things going on in your life right now. If you have fewer than three things going on in your life right now, then your assignment is to come over to my house and pack. (Ahem *slacker* cough...)

I am so behind ... ugh

Three biggest things going on in my life right now:
  1. Graduate school is kicking my biscuits all around this semester. My chant these days is "it is worth it, it is worth it "
  2. My dog Moose has a immune disorder that requires him to take steroids now for six months to rebuild muscles ... I thinking about re-naming Moosezenegger.
  3. I am going to Cancun, Mexico for the first time in May. I real life vacation with beach, sun and cocktails!!!

BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 2:

After my swearing in ceremony, my parents and my in-laws took me and Lisa to Lombardo’s on Hertel. We got to talking about favorite foods, and this next topic kind of stems from that. If you had the power to put together the most perfect, end-of-the-universe, nothing-better-was-ever-made repast, using whatever ingredients you want, and with whomever you’d like as your co-diners, what would you want? Tell me about one little bit, or all fourteen courses. Tell me about venue, about background music, about which box of wine goes best with which flavor of ramen noodles.

hmmmmm... this is a tough one. I recently tried Thai food for the first on a trip to Long Island and now discover that I love the stuff which is too bad, sniff because we have N-O Thai restaurants in the North Country where I hail from these days.

Things I know that would be on the menu:


Guacamole - the spicer the better - prepared Rosa Mexicano style with their home made tortillas and chips

Bread ~~~ HOMEMADE italian bread that is hot with butter and salt AND the brown bread with oats on it from Cheesecake Factory

For My Salad Loving Friends/Family:

Luau Salad from Cheesecake Factory for those that love salads with little somethin' somethin' different.

Pasta Lovers Will Enjoy:


Ethnic food that is spicy sweet yumminess:

Pad Thai prepared by the folks at Thai Gourmet on Long Island off of Nesconset Hwy in Port Jeff Station

Carnivores will sink their teeth into:

Steak with mushroom, onions and peppers especially for my favorite man. Served with mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.


Strawberry Shortcake
Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

People to invite: Everyone is welcome the more the merrier.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Damn girl, you made me hungry and gained 5 pounds just reading all the good eats...