Monday, June 27, 2011

Motorcycles, Musical Artist and More

It's been way too long since our last post.  But I have some really nice things to share with all of you.  We have been going full force into motorcycle mania.  Clint and Dan ride motorcycle morning and night while Dan tries to teach me to ride on the smallest bike on the planet.  Hey don't judge it is harder than it looks ;)  Below is a video of Clint and Dan the best part is towards the end around the 29-37sec mark.

Here is all of us riding together.

We now have a budding singer on our hands.  Every night before bedtime I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to my little peanut.  I had no idea he was really listening until I heard him singing it one day.  He just sings Twinkle Star, Twinkle Star but it just makes me melt into a puddle of love for this little man.  I wish I could upload the recording for you all to hear but I can't figure it out.

He is soooo busy and learning everything so fast.   Ok that is all for now, more next time!