Thursday, November 12, 2009

Belly Time

Every day we put Clint in the sunlight to help out with his jaundice.  Today I decided to combine it with Belly Time.  Dan loved this and wanted to "help" Clint enjoy Belly Time.  I could barely stop laughing long enough to film the two of them .. Enjoy!


Pat said...

WE all loved belly time, he has strong legs -- the kids got a big kick out of this and loved that Uncle Dan was helping Clint.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, too cute. Wow the hair is so thick! I can't believe how much he is moving, what a strong little guy!

Mrs. Ribby said...

It looked like he was kicking Moose out of the way--he's like an inch worm that moves along. I can't wait to come and visit again!!!