Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More From Jersey

We are coming up on four weeks of traveling in NJ for my job [only two weeks left, HALLELUJAH!!].  Lets just say that it has been harder than I thought but we are having a lot of fun too.  Mom and I were discussing yesterday all the "firsts" Clint's mastered since we have been down here.  Here is a small summary of all the things we can remember thus far:

Walking full time and almost running now!

Grammie and Clint leaving the Bergen County Zoo

Clint rode on a train for the first time:

Clint and Mama on the Bergen County Zoo Train

 SKYPE-ing with family:
SKYPE-ing with Dada
Drinking through a straw. Mastered this in ten minutes per Grammie:
Sippy Cup with straw

Pointing finger and finger/knuckle bump:
Grammie taught him this and its so cute!!!!!!!!

Hands up to be picked up.

Starting to move beyond baby food.

Scooting off couches, beds and laps to get down all by himself.

Crawling under and climbing up anything he can:

THREE new teeth:

Top two teeth came in and he also has a bottom tooth coming in too.

Sliding down a slide by himself:

Van Saun County Park - Bergen County NJ

1 comment:

Pat said...

Our little boy is growing and learning way too fast. We gotta slow him down...but that's never gonna happen. Having a blast people.