He now weighs a whooping 15lbs 3 oz and is 23 3/4" tall. He is "very social" according to the pediatrician. But, there is a small concern with his left foot. It appears to turn in slightly [she gave us a medical term for it but I can't remember it right now]. Anywhoo he has to go to Syracuse to see an orthopedic pediatric specialist in April. I am hoping this is a proactive / preventive trip and everything will "work itself out".
Clint is getting more and more cute and vocal by the minute. He loves to chatter with just about everyone these days. Sleeping better during the nights and eating a little [1 tablespoon] of cereal at dinner time with Mama's milk. Nothing to crazy its simply just a taste. He was getting pretty curious when Dan and I would be eating dinner in front of him.
Why we love him ...
He makes crazy faces and expressions
He is super cool
He knows how to chill out
He is ours ... the end!