Ultrasound Pictures of our Baby Boy
[aka Little Clint]
Here he is our little guy. His profile at 5 months

Here is his tiny little foot.

His arm and hands.

Tilt your head to the left. He is sideways laying on his arm.
Don't worry it does look kinda like a skeleton.

With the new little peanut on the way I have been stressing a little [ok a lot] about my work situation. Reason being is, I have to travel extensively overnight for weeks on end to be successful in my current position. BUT this little setup is completely unsuitable for a Mama and a new Mama at that, so the job search prevails. I recently applied for a position on campus. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will at least get an interview. Updates about this will happen after Aug 3rd. Send all the good vibes you can!!!
Here is his tiny little foot.

His arm and hands.

Tilt your head to the left. He is sideways laying on his arm.
Don't worry it does look kinda like a skeleton.

Apparently, babies need a lot of stuff. I mean a lot more stuff then I have ever even knew about ... my parenthood magazine provides a checklist. So, to make it easier for me and Dan I went Target, Wal-Mart and the Babies R Us webistes and created a registry of things that we need for our little guy. Who knew there are SOME MANY options for car seats, cribs, bottles, etc. PS. Any advice on a good infant car seat would be welcomed.
Ok so that is it for now ........
Ok so that is it for now ........
OMG I can actually make him out now -- that's amazing!
As for gifts, well, don't get to crazy, you will have a baby shower!!!
Kel this is so great I love it, here are some comments from the last post too. I actually just like the name Rourk Crosbie (how could Dan turn that down?), and don't tell Dan but I like Clint Crosbie better than Guy Crosbie. I love love love the ultrasound pics of your little man, and I hear you with travelling etc preggo...I hope the job search proves successful. You are such a hardworker and any office would be blessed to have you! Also as for a carseat...my only advice is padding, make sure it seems like it would be comfy, and if you are going with the stroller combo, the two things again that I get frustrated with mine is that the awning/umbrella part doesn't move/tilt so that you can adjust it when the sun is coming at different angles and the padding on the sides so that when your baby is a bit older and falls asleep in the stroller their head should hit padding. We just registered for one that "looked" good in the pics and didn't really take time to see and touch them in person. Hope this helps.
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