'Ok, so for those of you who don't know why I am posting all of the sudden, once a year a circle of friends from buffalo (buf) do a daily blog (blo) post (po) for one fortnight (fo) and then you get bufblopofo.'
Explanation "borrowed" from the subway is a roller coaster that takes you to work
I would include people who are friends of people from Buffalo or they could be referred to [from this point on] as the hanger-on-neers / wannabees/ enjoy this crap too much to miss out people.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 4:
Use blogs to brag about something. And it can't be your kids or significant other because Katie said she doesn't want to read about that crap.
This is such crap I can't think of anything but then all of the sudden I realized I am really really good at being cold. I can be cold anywhere anytime. Here are a list of examples:
Sleeping ... I sleep with socks, hooded sweatshirt with hoodie up, t-shirt and pj bottoms, sheets, comforter, two blankies and a 70+ pound chocolate lab and I still manage to be cold.
Summer ... I never or hardly EVER wear shorts. And the slightest breeze makes me cold. Any type of air circulation [wind, fans, AC, etc.] makes me cold.
Work ... ALWAYS cold I have a space heater in the office. I direct it mostly at me for the majority of the day. At times I travel to meetings with my heater. Sorry Frosty I should have implemented the heater a long time before you left us, sniff.
Hotel rooms ... it is probably 40 degrees outside and my thermostat reads 78 in my hotel tonight. Plus I have to pack pillows around me to simulate Moose laying on me. Its a wonder I ever get enough sleep.
Hot tub ... I like it at 103 degrees WITHOUT the fan my husbands feels comfortable at 100 degrees WITH the fan AND the windows open in the hot tub room.
Parent's House ... normally I wear my pj's under my pants when I go to their house and they keep slippers for me by the door. So as soon as I walk in I can slip them on. They think people can survive at 68 degrees.
Ok you get it I am good at being cold ... if any of you reading this are smarty pants and have suggests as to keep warmer or a diagnosis about the coldness condition feel free to make comments.
This is such crap I can't think of anything but then all of the sudden I realized I am really really good at being cold. I can be cold anywhere anytime. Here are a list of examples:
Sleeping ... I sleep with socks, hooded sweatshirt with hoodie up, t-shirt and pj bottoms, sheets, comforter, two blankies and a 70+ pound chocolate lab and I still manage to be cold.

Work ... ALWAYS cold I have a space heater in the office. I direct it mostly at me for the majority of the day. At times I travel to meetings with my heater. Sorry Frosty I should have implemented the heater a long time before you left us, sniff.
Hotel rooms ... it is probably 40 degrees outside and my thermostat reads 78 in my hotel tonight. Plus I have to pack pillows around me to simulate Moose laying on me. Its a wonder I ever get enough sleep.
Hot tub ... I like it at 103 degrees WITHOUT the fan my husbands feels comfortable at 100 degrees WITH the fan AND the windows open in the hot tub room.
Parent's House ... normally I wear my pj's under my pants when I go to their house and they keep slippers for me by the door. So as soon as I walk in I can slip them on. They think people can survive at 68 degrees.
Ok you get it I am good at being cold ... if any of you reading this are smarty pants and have suggests as to keep warmer or a diagnosis about the coldness condition feel free to make comments.
BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 3:
If nothing else, BufBloPoFo is a learning tool. Last year, we learned how to load a dishwasher, how to take a leak, etc. Let’s keep that going this year, but instead of focusing on what people are doing wrong, tell me what you think you do right. Walk me through a process. Give me the step-by-steps. Can you make damn good baba ganoush? Can you tie a bow tie? Can you pour the perfect Guinness??? Teach me how, perfesser.
How to workout and enjoy it:
- Step one: get your groove on - download some kickin music to your ipod and jam out with the tunes and get your biscuits moving.
- Pick something you enjoy doing by yourself and with others. That way you have a back up plan if your workout buddy decides they "can't" make it. For example: I enjoy running at early hours of the day [not many fans out there that like 5:00am runs] but I also like gazelle workouts at the gym with my girlies after work. Sometimes life gets in the way after work. Sooooooo on those days I still do a small run in the am to safeguard that I get at least little workout that day. Committing to yourself is more important than to others.
- Get a pet [dog, pig, horse, cat, etc.] and walk the little mate every day. It is good for the pet and you. Plus, if you are single it is a great way to make you more approachable and meet people. For me, I use Moose as defense mechanism during our walk on the dark unlit street we live on. Shhh... don't tell my secret but he would probably only protect me if I was attacked by a flying frisbee. Ahh he is a lover not a fighter.
- Most importantly workout to feel good about yourself, your health and your mind. Doing it just to lose weight is not going to keep you motivated and happy. Make it a part of your life not something you do to punish yourself for eating the last brownie or in my case the last chocolate chip cookie.
Monday, March 16, 2009
BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 1:
Let's start it off easy. Hi! How're things? Remember me? Remember when we were blog friends? What's new whichu? For your first day of Blufporbfofoing, tell me the three biggest things going on in your life right now. If you have fewer than three things going on in your life right now, then your assignment is to come over to my house and pack. (Ahem *slacker* cough...)I am so behind ... ugh
Three biggest things going on in my life right now:
- Graduate school is kicking my biscuits all around this semester. My chant these days is "it is worth it, it is worth it "
- My dog Moose has a immune disorder that requires him to take steroids now for six months to rebuild muscles ... I thinking about re-naming Moosezenegger.
- I am going to Cancun, Mexico for the first time in May. I real life vacation with beach, sun and cocktails!!!
BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 2:
After my swearing in ceremony, my parents and my in-laws took me and Lisa to Lombardo’s on Hertel. We got to talking about favorite foods, and this next topic kind of stems from that. If you had the power to put together the most perfect, end-of-the-universe, nothing-better-was-ever-made repast, using whatever ingredients you want, and with whomever you’d like as your co-diners, what would you want? Tell me about one little bit, or all fourteen courses. Tell me about venue, about background music, about which box of wine goes best with which flavor of ramen noodles.hmmmmm... this is a tough one. I recently tried Thai food for the first on a trip to Long Island and now discover that I love the stuff which is too bad, sniff because we have N-O Thai restaurants in the North Country where I hail from these days.
Things I know that would be on the menu:
Guacamole - the spicer the better - prepared Rosa Mexicano style with their home made tortillas and chips
Bread ~~~ HOMEMADE italian bread that is hot with butter and salt AND the brown bread with oats on it from Cheesecake Factory
For My Salad Loving Friends/Family:
Luau Salad from Cheesecake Factory for those that love salads with little somethin' somethin' different.
Pasta Lovers Will Enjoy:
Ethnic food that is spicy sweet yumminess:
Pad Thai prepared by the folks at Thai Gourmet on Long Island off of Nesconset Hwy in Port Jeff Station
Carnivores will sink their teeth into:
Steak with mushroom, onions and peppers especially for my favorite man. Served with mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.
Strawberry Shortcake
Yellow cake with chocolate frosting
People to invite: Everyone is welcome the more the merrier.
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